OmManiPadhmeHum Intro

OmManiPadhmeHum Intro

OmManiPadhmeHum Intro Om Mani Padhme Hum Intro was done at Tbilisi State Ballet School in 1997-98 with Nino Megrelishvili, Gvantsa Rekhviashvili, Thea Chanturia, Zurab Rtveliashvili, Aleko Shugladze and directed by David Chikhladze   Videos and Trailers Gallery...
Tskhvarichamia Rehearsals, Summer 2020

Tskhvarichamia Rehearsals, Summer 2020

Tskhvarichamia Rehearsals 2020 Conceived and directed by: David Chikhladze Videos and Trailers Gallery Cast & Crew Members David Chikhladze Mariam Shergelashvili Gvantsa Agirba Tina Elbakidze Ana Kalandarishvili Tama Kvantaliani Liza Kvantaliani Lako Matchavariani...
For 2-D Theater

For 2-D Theater

For 2-D Theater   In the parts of the Dialogues and Structurobics the work consists of the pomp of the rebuilt dialogue forms. Within 1-2 hours approximately the viewer can join at any time and watch and listen to a collection of synchronous, dubbed, inverted,...
Two Windows

Two Windows

Two Windows The mansard apartment of Darejan Okujava hosted the Margo Korableva group, whose work is based on the aesthetic of anti-theatre and structuralism. In its shows and unfinished structured improvisations their artistic exploration emphasizes the ever-changing...


Mandala Mandala – for a mixed audience at the Tbilisi Psychiatric Hospital With: Nutsi Gabisiani, Mayya Khvedelidze, Shalva Kobaladze, Vasil Macharadze, Levan Maisuradze Directed by David Chikhladze 2009...